" From as early back as I can remember,
my leading question in life was always why? "


I really think I was born with it!

Frankly, I think (know) I drove those around me slightly crazy with it. Always striving for a deeper understanding of just about everything - but especially the human condition. It was of particular interest to me why we did what we did, how we came to be a certain way, what compelled or inhibited our actions and the like. Anything and everything to do with being who we are.

Like all children, I couldn't make sense of so much in the world, and this for me, ignited what I feel was already a flame of curiosity and intrigue, and a yearning for deeper understanding. It birthed a passion for learning and also for context (as it had to make sense)!

It also paved the way for words. Words and communication became an anchor point of connecting the confusing or ambiguous in effort to describe and define meaning, and make sense. 

It's no surprise that my long and winding road finally led me to professional coaching which was eventually birthed as an Industry and became a 'thing'. I felt I had found my resting place. A space that finally articulated a way to do what I loved and knew I would keep loving. A place where I could use all the 'learning and understanding' that started as something for my own betterment, and could now help others too in a way that was empowering and inspirational.

That professional journey began for me in 2004, and unprofessionally, long before that. Gosh doesn't time fly (when we are doing what we love!)

Fast-track to 20 years later, and here I am still doing it. Happily so!

I'm a professionally trained and qualified coach with a current Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accreditation awarded by the International Coach Federation (ICF).  

Read about credentialing here: www.coachfederation.org

I have some additional accreditations:

  • Certified Leadership & Talent Management Coach
  • Certified Wellness Coach
  • Certified Coaching with the Enneagram
  • Cert IV Training & Assessment
  • Performance Diagnostics

Oh, and I'm a big fan of some rah rah.....I graduated Tony Robbins Mastery University Program in 2001 ;-)

For over 20 years I've been partnering people through the journey of change, improvement and betterment. Helping them towards greater effectiveness in any area. That's the greatness of professional coaching. It's a process that has application everywhere.

I'm specifically all for practical, easily adoptable, do-able strategies. So I seek to simplify the complex and pave the way for effective understanding and learning where 'the rubber meets the road' and things really happen. I'll help you transition from vision and strategy to implementation and outcome. Really!

I also can't step over the inter-connectedness and broader relationship of things - so I can't help but bring to my work, a wholistic perspective within the contextual one. 

I believe lasting effectiveness and success in any area, is underpinned with a key focus on resilience, leadership acumen, emotional intelligence and personal mastery. You can expect to be challenged to go beyond the usual, with a good dose of fun and lightness. The journey will pave the way to lasting effectiveness in any area.

My clients are Organisations, Company Directors and Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Executives and Senior Management, together with Performing Artists and professionals across many sectors and industries.

I've enjoyed some long term working relationships with the following companies.

Maybe now, you join them too! ;-)


Read Testimonials

Top 3 Reasons to work with Meny and Success Point


At a time when everyone seems to be offering some kind of coaching, it can be tricky to wade through and identify who really holds an actual qualification. 

Meny is formally and professionally trained, qualified with the International Coach Federation and holds a current PCC credential. She consistently partakes in further learning, development and assessment.


It’s wonderful if you can partner with someone who’s passionate about ‘walking the walk’ themselves, and is actually doing the self-work too.  

Meny has herself been a passionate learner pursuing all measure of growth and development for most of her life. Volumes of personal development underpin her work to give you a more wholistic perspective.

Track Record 

Nothing beats a direct referral and the knowledge that someone else has already really benefited from the process and that it works!  

Meny has been in long term partnership with many organisations working with multiple executives and corporate teams, across a variety of sectors. Coaching since 2004, she has over 3000 hours of direct experience.